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Vajra Yoga 300 Hr Full Course 11/11//2024- 4/11/2025
Vajra Yoga Asana Practice Videos- Bonus practices with Michele
Daily Nejang, Tibetan Healing Yoga Practice with Michele
Vajra Level 1
Gentle Vajra Yoga Class (70:06)
Beginning Level basic Vajra yoga class Hatha w/ Nejang mix (68:09)
Vajra Hatha all-levels Flow & Nejang finish (71:26)
Vajra Core Awakening & Cleansing Flow (65:12)
Vajra Mahasiddhas w/ Michele Explaining Vayus/ Tibetan & Hatha practice
Vajra Breath and Chakra Balancing Video- 20 minute practice
Bonus Video from Mahasiddhas, Michele teaches middle path alignment in Ashtanga Dec. 14, 2023
Pre-Course Materals
Professor Robert Thurman Vajra Yoga Introduction
Vajrayoga - An Evolution of Vajrayana Budhism in the West
What is Vajra Yoga? History and Evolution
What is Vajra Yoga? History and Context of Vajra Yoga & Buddhist Thought
What is Vajra Yoga? The Vajra Yoga Objective
What is Vajra Yoga? Impact of Buddhism & The Inner Revolution
Naljor Kleshas 9 Fold Breath
Tutorial on Classical Surya Namaskar
Daily Nejang, Tibetan Healing Yoga Practice with Michele
Welcome + Course Materials
Course Manual + Required Texts
Personal Welcome from Michele Loew
Introductory Get-to-Know-You
Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life
"The Crisis and Ethical Protest of the First Millennia" PDF
The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translation by Pradeep Gokhale PDF
"Essential Tibetan Buddhism", By Robert Thurman
Vimalakirti, Translation by Robert Thurman
White Tara Sadhana
In-Person Retreat Schedule
Teacher's Retreat Session Schedule
Heart Sutra - English & Sanskrit + "Samantabhadra Conclusion"
HOMEWORK before Bob's Tuesday 10am session & Michele's sessions
Opening Session Talk w/ Bob & Michele 7:30-9pm Eastern Standard at Menla 11/11/24
Tuesday, 11/12/24 Session 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
Wednesday, 11/13 Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-8:30pm EST
Thursday, 11/14 Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
Friday, 11/15: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
Saturday, 11/16: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon Bob, 3-6pm Michele; 7:30pm Michele
Sunday, 11/17: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon CLOSE
Anatomy w/ Ian LeMasters
Anatomy Introduction
Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - Lower Leg + Foot
Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - Pelvic Floor & Mula Bandha
Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - The Knees
Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - The Thighs and Hips
The Spine, Sacrum, & Pelvis
Anatomy: The Shoulders
Anatomy: The Core
Anatomy with Ian- New 4/1/23 NECK video
Anatomy with Ian- Diaphragm and Breathing
Homework for Week 1
Suggested Reading and homework
Asana Technique Videos w/ Michele
Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Virabhadrasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana
Daily Nejang Practice with Michele Loew
Janu Sirsasana
Virasana Poses & knees, tutorial with Michele
Building to Lotus/ Vajra posture: 2 hip opening practice videos Ian & Michele
Assists Video-Down Dog, Seated forward bends sacral boot, Triangle pose, Child's pose assists
Week 1 Vajra Online w/ Bob Friday, 11/22 Session with Tenzin Bob
Tenzin's teaching 11/22/24
Week 2 Vajra online w/ Bob 11/29 11am and Michele 11/30 10am
Friday, 11/29 w/ Tenzin Bob- introducing 3 principles on the path
Yoga w/ Michele 10am-11:30am EST- 3 principles in Asana & 5 chakra opening
Week 3 Vajra Online w/ Bob 12/6 & Michele 12/7, 2024
Friday 12/6 Bob 11am Eastern
Saturday 12/7 Michele 10am Eastern (NOTE EARLY TIME 7am PST/ 10am EST)
HOMEWORK Before week 4 from Michele
Week 4 Vajra Online w/ Bob 12/13 8am PST & Michele 12/14, 2024 7am PST
Week 4 Vajra Online w/ Bob 12/13 4pm Eastern (Special Maha Mudra/ Yuthok event replay)
Michele 12/14, 2024 Asana & Mula bandha
Week 5 Vajra Online 12/27 & 28
Friday w/ Tenzin- Hatha Pradipika & Vimalakirti
Saturday w/ Bob & Michele 12/28/24 Lecture and Asana (74:24)
Week 6 Vajra Online January 1-5, 2025
Recording of Michele's New Year's Day class (87:29)
Friday w/ Tenzin 1/3/25 Vimalakirti Sutta
Saturday w/ Michele 1/4/25 (Introducing the Buddha Families & a few Niguma)
Week 7 Vajra Online January 10-11, 2025
Friday w/ Tenzin 1/10/25-Vimalakirti
Saturday w/ Michele 7am PST 1/11/25-lower chakras/ opposing patterns/ bandha/ core-good talk at end
End Of Winter Semester Assignment
Wisdom Is Bliss
4 Noble Truths/ Wisdom is Bliss & Ashtanga 8 fold path- assignment
Talk & Practice On Drishti w/ Michele- Buddha & Patanjali
WEEK 1: Bob 1/17/25. On Wisdom is Bliss, 8 stages of dissolution, and beginning tantra
Saturday 1/18/25 w/ Michele 11am PST (special class time/ Yoga nidra & 9 Jnanas
Spring Week 2: 1/24 & 1/25
Friday 1/24/25: (w/ Michele) White Tara sadhana slow, and a little on balance poses & rLung disorders
Saturday, 1/25/25: 7-9am PST (Bob on Clearlight, and then Michele gets advice from the sangha:) (21:22)
Michele teaching the Kena Upanishad (71:01)
Spring Week 3: 1/31 & 2/1, 2025
Friday, 1/31 Vajra with Bob- 2025 Teaching Hatha Pradipika/ subtle body (73:10)
Saturday 2/1 vajra with Michele- Beginning Twists & H. Pradipika
Michele from 12/2023 Asana technique within Ashtanga primary to Triang Mukkha...
Intro to Shantidev 1/28/23- Beautiful Clearlight Meditation & Shantideva teaching
Shantideva: "The Way of the Bodhisattva" : Chapter 1
What does it mean to Take Refuge?
Shantideva: Chapter 2 - Going for Refuge
Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Wisdom; Opening to non-dual experience; Relative & Absolute truth
Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Epistemology; cognizing vs. re-cognizing experience; Buddhahood
Shantideva: Chapter 9 - The yogini reality & meaning of "Yoga"
Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Reasoning & referring to “things”
Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Conceptuality and Using Dualism
Spring Week 4: 2/2/25 & 2/8/25
Tenzin 2/7/25- B. Gita 11th chapter, Book of Dead s
Vajra w/ Michele 10am Eastern 2/8/25. Start Bhagavad Gita & finishing twists
Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience of Forgiveness, non-retaliation; “even if they kill us, we will die happy”
Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience - becoming invulnerable to hatred; using pain positively
Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience - reality awareness - Looking into “What caused this injury?”
Spring Week 5: 4/14/25 & 4/15/25
Tenzin 4/14/25 11am Eastern-Gita & Hatha Pradipika & Guhyasamaja
Saturday, February 15th Michele Nidra Sessions-videos up
Sunday, February 16th: Nidra Sessions
Tuesday, February 18th. Nidra w/ Michele (Buddha's 2 arrows)
Make Up Asana class: Viloma Pranayama, Vajra opening, 90 minute Asana Flow w/ Michele 1/14/24 (88:20)
Bonus-Tenzin 1/19/24 Introducing Bhagavad Gita & Chapter 6
Bhagavad Gita : Introduction to the Text w/ Richard and Mary
Bhagavad Gita : Sankhya, Ignorance, Lust & Anger
Bhagavad Gita : Noticing your Irritation with the Text
Spring Week 6 2/21/25 & 2/22/25
Tenzin Friday, 2/21/25. Hatha Pradipika & Patanjali Yoga Sutras
Michele Saturday, 2/22/25. 7am PST- Gita & Hips
Friday 1/13/23: Lecture w/ Tenzin Tibetan Book of Dead root verses
Bonus Video from Mahasiddhas, Michele teaches middle path alignment Thursday, Dec. 14 recording
Spring Week 7: 2/28 & 3/2 (Michele will teach on Sunday)
Tenzin Friday 2/28
Michele Sunday 3/2 Hips
Livestream 1/12/24 Tenzin of Jnanas & Tibetan Book of Dead
Spring Week 8: 3/7 & 3/8, 2025 Tenzin & Michele
Tenzin Friday 3/7, 2025. 11am Eastern (128:11)
Michele 3/8, 2025 (Nidra School) 2 sessions, including Dream Yoga Intro
Community showing of Ram Dass Film 9pm Eastern
Bonus Study Lecture: 12/12/22 Session w/ Tenzin Patanjali Y. Sutras on Samadhi-comparing to Buddha's 8 fold
Spring Week 9: Michele 10am Eastern Saturday 3/15/25. (No livestream with Tenzin) but please watch the following videos as you can
Michele 3/15/25 10am
Flower Ornament, Bodhicitta, Noble Truths, Eight-Fold Path and 4 Immeasurables w/ Tenzin
Shunyata Karuna Garbham "Meditation on Self and Others" w/ Tenzin
"Bodhicitta Meditation on the Conception of the Spirit of Enlightenment" w/ Tenzin
Community showing of Ram Dass Film 9pm Eastern
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