Join us for this inspiring & transformational journey!
Join Tenzin Bob, Michele, and a community of fellow yogis and contemplative inner science practitioners sharing the Vajra Path.
This school is about awakening to one's most happy and blissful state of being, and learning to share that with others!
Study and practice Tibetan Healing Yoga, Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga, and the Vajra Yoga Sequences inspired by the great lineages of Indian Mahasiddhas with Michele.
Contemplate the philosophical Indian inner science of awakening to blissful reality with Tenzin Bob Thurman
Make friends for life and take these teachings into all you do with a spirit of enlightenment for the sake of all sentient beings.
300 hours of in-person and online study for optional Yoga Alliance Certification.
Course Structure
This program is 300 Hours of teachings divided into 3 terms. We begin our Fall term November 11th with an in-person immersion at Menla Mountain Retreat center in New York, which can also be live-streamed for those that can't make it to Menla.
We continue meeting weekly to study together over zoom with live-stream asana practices, Q+As & philosophy sessions with the teachers.
Fall term: November 11, 2024-January 11, 2025
Winter term/Spring: January 17-April 6th, 2025
In Person Retreats at Menla:
November 11-17, 2024 & March 31-April 6th, 2025
Ongoing weekly Livestream zoom classes held most weekends: Fridays 11am-1pm EST w/ Robert Thurman & Saturdays 10-noon EST w/ Michele Loew
*Course materials available for 1 year after courses finishes on our teachable learning platform
*Tuition payment plans available
*Refund Policy: No refunds after 14 days of purchase. Credit available for other courses.
The Vajra Yoga Mission
Working with Vajrayana practices and Hatha yoga, we aim to support His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s 4th aim to bring back the Indian Inner Sciences, “Adhyatma Vidya” and the teachings of yoga & Buddhism back to India supporting human beings’ inner awakening for happiness & freedom.
Tibetan Yoga & Breathing
This unique yoga alliance certification program includes the exploration of the once secret yoga practices of Vajrayana Buddhism. It is an introductory course to inspire students to keep studying with the great lineage masters we open a doorway to. But it also gifts you some basic life changing practices you can continue to practice and share.
Alignment Based Yoga
Michele Loew not only teaches applied structural alignment and therapeutic techniques to yoga asana, but is masterful at the subtle body alignment with a goal of transforming the body into a Vajra Body of indestructible love as a portal to awakening to the luminous nature of mind. Improve the health of your physical body, & or seek ultimate freedom.
Example Curriculum
- Daily Nejang, Tibetan Healing Yoga Practice with Michele
- Vajra Level 1
- Gentle Vajra Yoga Class (70:06)
- Beginning Level basic Vajra yoga class Hatha w/ Nejang mix (68:09)
- Vajra Hatha all-levels Flow & Nejang finish (71:26)
- Vajra Core Awakening & Cleansing Flow (65:12)
- Vajra Mahasiddhas w/ Michele Explaining Vayus/ Tibetan & Hatha practice
- Vajra Breath and Chakra Balancing Video- 20 minute practice
- Bonus Video from Mahasiddhas, Michele teaches middle path alignment in Ashtanga Dec. 14, 2023
- Professor Robert Thurman Vajra Yoga Introduction
- Vajrayoga - An Evolution of Vajrayana Budhism in the West
- What is Vajra Yoga? History and Evolution
- What is Vajra Yoga? History and Context of Vajra Yoga & Buddhist Thought
- What is Vajra Yoga? The Vajra Yoga Objective
- What is Vajra Yoga? Impact of Buddhism & The Inner Revolution
- Naljor Kleshas 9 Fold Breath
- Tutorial on Classical Surya Namaskar
- Daily Nejang, Tibetan Healing Yoga Practice with Michele
- Course Manual + Required Texts
- Personal Welcome from Michele Loew
- Introductory Get-to-Know-You
- Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life
- "The Crisis and Ethical Protest of the First Millennia" PDF
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali translation by Pradeep Gokhale PDF
- "Essential Tibetan Buddhism", By Robert Thurman
- Vimalakirti, Translation by Robert Thurman
- White Tara Sadhana
- Teacher's Retreat Session Schedule
- Heart Sutra - English & Sanskrit + "Samantabhadra Conclusion"
- HOMEWORK before Bob's Tuesday 10am session & Michele's sessions
- Opening Session Talk w/ Bob & Michele 7:30-9pm Eastern Standard at Menla 11/11/24
- Tuesday, 11/12/24 Session 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
- Wednesday, 11/13 Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-8:30pm EST
- Thursday, 11/14 Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
- Friday, 11/15: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon EST; 4-6pm EST; 7:30-9pm EST
- Saturday, 11/16: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon Bob, 3-6pm Michele; 7:30pm Michele
- Sunday, 11/17: Sessions 7-8am EST; 10am-noon CLOSE
- Anatomy Introduction
- Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - Lower Leg + Foot
- Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - Pelvic Floor & Mula Bandha
- Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - The Knees
- Anatomy with Ian LeMasters - The Thighs and Hips
- The Spine, Sacrum, & Pelvis
- Anatomy: The Shoulders
- Anatomy: The Core
- Anatomy with Ian- New 4/1/23 NECK video
- Anatomy with Ian- Diaphragm and Breathing
- Trikonasana, Ardha Chandrasana, Virabhadrasana, Utthita Parsvakonasana
- Daily Nejang Practice with Michele Loew
- Paschimottanasana
- Janu Sirsasana
- Virasana Poses & knees, tutorial with Michele
- Building to Lotus/ Vajra posture: 2 hip opening practice videos Ian & Michele
- Assists Video-Down Dog, Seated forward bends sacral boot, Triangle pose, Child's pose assists
- Friday, 1/31 Vajra with Bob- 2025 Teaching Hatha Pradipika/ subtle body (73:10)
- Saturday 2/1 vajra with Michele- Beginning Twists & H. Pradipika
- Michele from 12/2023 Asana technique within Ashtanga primary to Triang Mukkha...
- Intro to Shantidev 1/28/23- Beautiful Clearlight Meditation & Shantideva teaching
- Shantideva: "The Way of the Bodhisattva" : Chapter 1
- What does it mean to Take Refuge?
- Shantideva: Chapter 2 - Going for Refuge
- Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Wisdom; Opening to non-dual experience; Relative & Absolute truth
- Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Epistemology; cognizing vs. re-cognizing experience; Buddhahood
- Shantideva: Chapter 9 - The yogini reality & meaning of "Yoga"
- Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Reasoning & referring to “things”
- Shantideva: Chapter 9 - Conceptuality and Using Dualism
- Tenzin 2/7/25- B. Gita 11th chapter, Book of Dead s
- Vajra w/ Michele 10am Eastern 2/8/25. Start Bhagavad Gita & finishing twists
- Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience of Forgiveness, non-retaliation; “even if they kill us, we will die happy”
- Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience - becoming invulnerable to hatred; using pain positively
- Shantideva: Chapter 6: Patience - reality awareness - Looking into “What caused this injury?”
- Homework
- Tenzin 4/14/25 11am Eastern-Gita & Hatha Pradipika & Guhyasamaja
- Saturday, February 15th Michele Nidra Sessions-videos up
- Sunday, February 16th: Nidra Sessions
- Tuesday, February 18th. Nidra w/ Michele (Buddha's 2 arrows)
- Make Up Asana class: Viloma Pranayama, Vajra opening, 90 minute Asana Flow w/ Michele 1/14/24 (88:20)
- Bonus-Tenzin 1/19/24 Introducing Bhagavad Gita & Chapter 6
- Bhagavad Gita : Introduction to the Text w/ Richard and Mary
- Bhagavad Gita : Sankhya, Ignorance, Lust & Anger
- Bhagavad Gita : Noticing your Irritation with the Text
We look forward to sharing this journey with you!
Fall/Winter Semester
November 11, 2024-January 17, 2025 (Break 12-22 to 1-2)
- Lam Rim Teachings
- Yoga Asana including Standing Poses / Core / Forward Folds
- Tibetan NeJang Yoga
- Pranayama
- Meditation
- Introducing the Philosophies of Yoga
- Dualist and Non-Dualist/ Sutra and Tantra
- The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
- The Book of the Dead
Winter/Spring Semester
January 24-April 16, 2025
- The Bhagavad Gita & Mahayana Teachings
- Compassion, Bodhicitta, Shantideva, & Mantras
- Basic Pranayama & Mirroring Subtle Body Fluency
- Yoga Asana: Back Bends, Hip Joint, Spine Twists
- Tantric Tsalung Trulkhor Yogas
- Moving Inner Energies within the Subtle Body
- Expansion into the Perfect Stages
- Inner Fire, Tummo, Vajra Yoga sequences
- Pranayama Practices Deepened
- Yoga Asana: Inversions, Shoulders, Head, & Neck
- Kalachakra Yoga & Anuttara Yoga introduced